I don't think I know one person who has not experienced some trauma in their life. Challenges and hardships come hand in hand with this birth suit.
That is why it is so great to have many tools accessible to support us, including essential oils! (Scroll down to see the recommended list)

I believe that we have a tremendous capacity to heal. We are like trees that want to grow, and it's inherent in our life force. We must create the right conditions, remove blocks to growth, and get the necessary support to reach our full potential. To me, this is the healing process.
Healing takes extra attention and support from others, including our higher self, guides, the Archangels, Ascended Masters, and fellow humans.
We also have a range of tools accessible to us from the planet, courtesy of Mother Gaia. Thank you, Gaia!
Essential oils are one of these beautiful resources available to support healing processes. They can provide physical, emotional, and mental support. I am so grateful I was introduced to Doterra oils, a medical grade quality of oils that are consistently high quality from bottle to bottle. Medical grade means that these can be taken internally - although with a note of discretion - be careful and test out small amounts before going hog-wild with it. Too much of a good thing is not always a good thing.
While writing about which oils I have found helpful in my healing process over the years, I started seeing energy beings in connection with them. I realized that the energies of these oils remind me of energies that often come in for support during healing sessions with others. For this reason, I will pair some of them in this post.
Below are the top oils I have found helpful for trauma and emotional support.
I don't personally have issues putting it directly on my skin. Still, for those of you who may have sensitivity, I recommend adding a drop or two of essential oil to a bit of carrier oil, like fractionated coconut oil, before putting it on your skin. Or you can test a tiny bit of essential oil first to see if there is irritation. Doterra provides excellent quality, but each person is different. Treat yourself kindly and test it to see what works best for you.
Note: If you want to purchase these items, a cart link will be available at the end of the article. You can save 15-25% regularly if you are interested in joining Doterra. (No pressure - just an option.)

Bergamot is a part of the citrus plant. It can be very calming during times of emotional stress and stimulation. I find this to be a great aid when processing difficult emotions. It feels steadfast with a calming presence, like Archangel Rafael.
When struggling, I put a drop of Bergamot on my heart for added support.

Cypress oil is derived from tall evergreens and is known for its grounding effect. For me, this makes complete sense. The smell of pine always brings me back to the present moment. When processing trauma, I have found that Cypress acts as an anchor while supporting the movement or release of processing memories. I feel Cypress wants us to heal, as Mother Earth does.
I like to put a drop of oil behind my neck before bed and/or diffuse it.

Lavender is an oil that I use nearly every day. Not only does Doterra's oil smell divine, the calming effects are pretty incredible. I take it internally daily to help manage anxiety. For me, energetically, this is the medicine of Archangel Michael.
I add it to tea or even sparkling water. It can be a bit potent at first, so start light, as it can be slightly bitter. I have also found that putting it in my hands and breathing into them helps soothe anxiety. I also put it on my heart and temples before bed.

Lemon comes up often during energy sessions with clients. My advice is to hydrate and be gentle with yourself after a session. Adding lemon to your water is not only refreshing, but it keeps the flow of energy moving. Energy blocks can feel like toxins in the body. I think lemon picks up those little gremlin toxins, like a loving mother, Mother Mary, and escorts them to a better place - out of the body. It keeps things moving and clearing.
I add 1-2 drops to my water bottle and sip throughout the day.

Lime has been a surprising champion for PTSD support. I, unfortunately, cannot give credit to where I found the suggestion years ago, but I am glad I saw it. Energetically, lime seems to be an energetic shaker, cleanser, and mover. When things feel toxic and icky, Lime helps breaks them down and gets them moving, much like working with the light does.
I like to add it to sparkling water or even put it externally on areas in my body that feel stagnant, heavy, or toxic.
Roman Chamomile

Roman Chamomile is the Quan Yin of Essential oils. Known for her compassion and soothing presence, this is precisely what Roman Chamomile seeks to do.
When my body is activated or in fear, I put it on my hands, breathe it in deeply, and spread it over my heart and upper chest. It's very calming.
Wild Orange

Wild Orange is a great way to end the list. This is a bright, sweet, nurturing, and yummy oil. I love this oil. Why? Because balance and uplifting emotions are just as crucial in the healing process as processing all the hard stuff. This oil provides that positive balance and is uplifting, much like the Sun. This one makes me smile and happy.
I love a drop or two of this oil in my coffee in the morning, occasionally in sparkling water. Delicious!
I hope this list has been helpful. If you want to purchase any of these oils, please go here. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions on how to save money or earn free oils, and I am here for you if you would like to book an energy healing session.
Blessings to you on your healing journey.
- Laura Jaye